Cheap coffee is our offer to buy coffee at a very attractive discount for all of you who plan in advance to buy coffee from the store. Coffees on promotion "CHEAP COFFEE", have an extended delivery time. The start time of shipment of coffee from the indicated promotion is placed on the card of each coffee and in the current regulations of the promotion. Usually, all orders from the promotion are fulfilled within 2-3 days, counting from the day the shipment starts. Only coffees from prepaid orders participate in the promotion. Orders with payment method " cash on delivery" do not participate in the promotion. If coffees with different lead times, e.g. from the promotion, appear in the same order "CHEAP COFFEE" and from the rest of the offer - we will burn and ship the order in accordance with the promotional lead time (extended). It is advisable to separate promotional orders from other orders. Promotional coffees "CHEAP COFFEE" We roast and ship the same day, so this is a great way to buy freshly roasted coffee at a very attractive price.